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Development and Installation of Innovative Technologies (YDROTOMO) in rice cultivation to improve the competitiveness of agricultural holdings

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union

MIS: Μ16ΣΥΝ-00344

National Rural
Διεύθυνση Γεωργίας και Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης​
Ministry of Rural Development and Food
Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Development
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Region of Central Greece
Corporate Pact for Regional Development

Development & Installation of Innovative Techniques

Development and Installation of Innovative Technologies in rice cultivation, through in situ soil remediation of saline coastal soils (in situ soil remediation), for the increase and improvement of cultivated soils while reducing irrigation water inputs to improve the competitiveness of farms – Pilot application of new technologies in rice cultivation

HELESSION Civil non-profit company

Since 2008, Helession Organization has been cultivating organic rice and legumes in Anthili on a research level. The basis of cultivation is natural organic farming, based on the principles of organic farming of the EU regulations and the research of Fukuoka and his student in Greece Pan. Maniki.


The Department of Chemistry is part of the University of Athens and the Food Chemistry Laboratory is part of Sector II of the Department of Chemistry. In 1922, the Department of Chemistry of EKPA acquired the Chair of Food Chemistry and is one of the first departments of Food Chemistry in Greece.

Business Consultants

Business Consultants Epihirin is a consulting firm with long experience and specialized human resources in the support and management of projects and programs.


The Agricultural Cooperative Stevia Hellas, based in Lamia, Fthiotida, is a Standard Cooperative for the cultivation and standardization of stevia products.


Food industry"TROFINO", with the Argyrakis brothers (ARGYRAKI BROTHERS S.A.), since 1924 when they created the rice mill. From the very first moment, Mr. Ilesion cooperated with TROFINO because it was an organic rice mill. It is where the rice is dried, separated, husked, wet heat treated and standardized, as well as the moisture and strength control of the products.

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